Thursday, April 23, 2015

YHWH's breath of life is not gained by work: Galatians part 3

Galatians 3:1 …foolish Galations who hath bewitched you before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified amoung you

Galatians 3:2 …received you the Spirit by the works of the law or the hearing of faith

Galatians 3:5 He that ministereth to you the Spirit and worketh miracles among you by works of the law or by the hearing of faith

Galatians 3:11-14 no man is justified by the law…for the just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4) and the law is not of faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them(Leviticus 18:5, Nehemiah 9:29, Ezekiel 20:11) Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law (Deuteronomy 28: 15-66) being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree (Deuteronomy 21: 22-23) that the blessings of Abraham(Genesis 15: 1) might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith

Galatians 3: 16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made He saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ (Genesis 15: 5)


In the beginning of the third chapter of his epistle to the Galatians Paul turns his argument from the false teachers to the believers themselves.

Paul may be writing in Greek to a church who commonly spoke Greek but he still thinks like a Hebrew. Considering this we see that by his opening remarks Paul is shockingly saying that the Galatians are thinking like a person who denies there is a god. Which is not to say they do not believe there is a God but only to say they are thinking in the same manner that such a person would think; for the heart of the matter is they are trusting they must make themselves acceptable to YHWH when creation is a work of our Elohim alone.

“who has bewitched you” this teaching they had committed themselves to follow was nothing more than a slight of hand illusion promising to bring them the life of YHWH. Paul is asking them how can you be deceived to listen to such a thing when:

 1) You have experienced in yourself the old man of sorrow and desire for sin leading to his own destruction dying in Messiah. (verse 1)

2) more than this you received and experienced YHWH’s breath of life in you. How did this life come into you? Was it by some action or deed on your part or rather did you hear in your heart your need for Him and simply trust His promise to love you and make you His. (verse 2)

3) When Messiah works the life of YHWH in you and does amazing things that you can’t explain; is it reward for something that you have performed or because He said I will be everything you need and you found yourself relying and depending on and expecting Him to do what He had spoken. (verse 5)

In verses six through ten Paul argues that Abraham believed YHWH and righteousness was accounted to him. Was this merely a matter of YHWH giving Abraham a title of being righteous? No, the word in Genesis means to weave or interpenetrate. So it is literally YHWH weaving into him His way of being.

Consider within your own life before coming to the Lord many of us could lie or steal or curse as a natural part of who we were, but after these things become unnatural to us. Why did we change our own nature? No it is imputed righteousness from YHWH living in you.

What did YHWH promise Israel through Moses: Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

 hear o Israel (when YHWH says hear we should know He is giving us truth)…YHWH is our Elohim (not only is He the power by which all things have been made but specifically He is our maker)

 YHWH is one (He is not about being with you as Him and you together for that is two, but instead He makes you Him and Him you because He is one)

thou shalt love thy Elohim with all thine heart, soul, and might (everything you are is to love Him. What is love? Trusting completely and giving all that you are to another)

and these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and though shall teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house and when thou walkest by the way and when though liest down and when though risest up and though shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes…( most read this and think these are things I must do, but that is not what is said. This is a declaration of the results of giving all we are to Him in love…He is YHWH who does not change)

YHWH doesn’t just declare us as being right as a result of having faith but instead He makes us right as a result of that faith…can you see

The mistake made at Sinai by the people was that they claimed we will do all that YHWH said to do…by this they said they would be their maker…not by insincerity or disagreement but by looking to themselves. This is the same thing that kept them out of the land for forty years for they said we are not able to take the land.

This was a faith thing not a obedience thing. We can see that when they were told they would stay in the wilderness they decided in obedience to go up but YHWH warns them not to for He was not with them… because their obedience was a work of themselves and not an action of faith in Him.

These things being said we see Paul shifting gears in verse 11; it is as though he has said if you want to be instructed from the law allow me to tell you some things these so called teachers have not told you about.

Paul had been a disciple to Gamaliel before His conversion. It would be the equivalent of having an earned doctorate from every Ivy League school rolled into one except this school taught only the law of law and prophets.

After His conversion to become a disciple of Messiah not only does the Holy Spirit begin to show him the true life in all he has learned, but also he is taught by divine revelation the things of scripture that are plainly said but not perceived by the flesh of the first Adam.

Let us consider the things Paul says as he opens class on the law and prophets.

1)      for the just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4) first point the law teaches justification by faith

2)      faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them(Leviticus 18:5, Nehemiah 9:29, Ezekiel 20:11) not if they are known not if they are learned not if they are agreed with but if they are done they bring life.

3)      ) Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law (Deuteronomy 28: 15-66) every man has broken the law and the curse is upon them by their own actions… also the law has no do overs if you have ever broke it then you have brought yourself into the curse

4)      being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree (Deuteronomy 21: 22-23) Messiah as the only man ever qualified to not suffer the curse took it upon His own shoulders …the law is not a curse sin is the curse…the law describes life but because we cannot perform it we are shown that in us is death by that law

5)      that the blessings of Abraham(Genesis 15: 1) might come…the promise that YHWH is our shield and exceeding great reward comes on us through Messiah as we trust and rely and expect Him to live His life in us making us one

6)      now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made He saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ (Genesis 15: 5) the lawyer in Paul brings out that the seed by which the nations would be blessed is a singular seed which is Yeshua…conclusion being only in Him can you obtain the promise


I will stop here as I believe I should. I end this post with this in genesis 15 the word number is the same as the word tell the …I assumed it was speaking of the multitude of Israel but it speaks of Messiah and all in Him the word in its full meaning includes the following plus  the number of times translators  used it… assigned (1), count (17), counted (6), counts (2), declare (6), declared (2), elapse (1), measuring (1), number (3), numbered (5), proclaim (1), recount (1), recounted (3), relate (3), related (9), relating (2), speak (1), state (1), surely (1), taken (1), taken account (1), talk (1), tell (23), telling (1), told (15), utter (1).

See that YHWH was showing Abraham the unspeakable greatness of Messiah his seed after the flesh not the multitude.


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