Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What only YHWH can give: Galatians part 1

Galatians 1: 1 an apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead

Galatians 1: 6 …you are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ

Galatians 1: 9 …if any preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be accursed

Galatians 1: 11- 12 …the gospel that was preached of me is not after man for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Galatians 1: 15-16 …it pleased God…who separated me…called by His grace to reveal His son in me…I conferred not with flesh and blood

Is it not a strange thing that a epistle written by Paul to expose that false teachers were making merchandise of the brethren at Galatia in order to purchase for themselves pride and ego from the approval of other men has been used to deceive men that they can have YHWH’s life while keeping Adams death.

There is an expression that I have heard “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”; meaning just because the bathwater is not usable and should be thrown away does not mean we are to also throw away the clean baby.

Yet this is what we have done with Galatians and in so doing have indeed preached another gospel than that which we received.  This wrong thinking has done more to damage the wholeness of the body of believers than can easily be understood by most.

This false gospel has birthed into the elect of YHWH a corrupt way, a false Jesus, and a powerless grace that make Yeshua a minister of sin instead of salvation. This leaven is not new; in several of Paul’s epistles he has addressed both this false grace and the opposite lie which frustrates the grace given by YHWH by returning to that which can never bring righteousness and justification to the doer.

The problem with coming against such an ancient heresy is that it has been deeply entrenched into many believers to one degree or another. However that is not my battle but it must be done by the Spirit.

 So in my liberty to choice to obey YHWH I give my members over to His breath to use as His living word sees fit. I tell you a wonderful truth that Yeshua has purchased for you the same liberty to obey Him by the life He and our Abba live in us by the Spirit. There is no freedom found in the life of men only slavery and bondage of sin.

This is not a witness that the Spirit need make through me for almost two thousand years ago he inspired Paul to write that which He is to teach you. My heart is simply to look at what we might at times overlook in our assumption of “yes I know”.

It is hard to not jump to the conclusion as I know how much closer our walk with Him is when we come to a place where we no longer frustrate His gift of life within us. Yet it is Yeshua through Paul who is the wise master builder of His Holy temple. As His helpmate we will build His message according to His blueprint.

There are five things listed in the first chapter of this epistle that are declared to be given to us by the will of the Father in the authority of the Son through the quickening of the Spirit and not of men. This should come as no surprise as Yeshua made clear that no man comes to the Father but by Him.

In the order that Paul has mentioned them they are:

1)      Ministry… Messiah has made us a royal priesthood and as such every believer has been given a ministry or work to be done. While a man may or may not recognize the will of the Spirit in you they can never call you into it or prepare you for it. Remember Yeshua’s light rebuke of Peter when He asked about Johns fate “…what is that to you? You follow me”

2)      Calling into grace…the gift of YHWH is YHWH for as He promised Abraham I AM your shield and exceeding great reward; this promise Yeshua has grafted us into by faith. It should be obvious that no man including yourself can make YHWH abide in you and make Himself yours.

3)      The gospel…the good news of the kingdom of heaven coming to you and being in you as you are in it is not given by men. One of your brethren may preach truth to you but for that truth to be effective and living you must settle between you and YHWH if you believe it, trust it, rely on it, and expect its manifestation This is why Messiah has said the kingdom of heaven is not with observation (what is seen and heard outwardly) but within you( what is seen and heard inwardly)

4)      Revelation…the prophet said when speaking of the new covenant that YHWH would make with Israel (of which we have been made partakers) that men would no longer say “know YHWH for he would be known of all in that covenant” as Paul said in another place God gives the increase. Our brethren will be used to strengthen and encourage our faith but revelation comes from YHWH alone. If you try to explain to someone who you are your word will be unable to give a perfect picture because as our Master said only the spirit of a man knows that man…since every work of YHWH is a perfect work words won’t do so He gave you His Spirit.

5)      Life…it is the life of the Son which is the life of the Father which the Sprit lives through us when we abandon all trust in our old man; and instead trust He is dead in Yeshuas cross and the life we have now is the Spirit living in us. This is done by faith which is not of our self but it is Messiahs faith in us. Not of works lest any man should boast means neither you nor any other man brought you to life.  YHWH by foreknowledge knew that if He gave himself to you; you would desire Him. So through Yeshuas death He has given Himself to you, as a gift, for He is life and being made one with Him is life eternal.

The Galatians had lost sight of this and been duped by those who claimed they knew YHWH for generations and would show them the true way to possess Him. In my opinion they are already blown out the water but the Holy Spirit has no need of my council…to be continued.


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