Sunday, February 21, 2016

Is Paul's teaching about our Holy life or how to controll our wife?

Here is a question I received about women's place in the church and my response.

Hello Rick Rosamond! According to 1 Tim 2:8-15. Paul said that women ca not leadership or pastor in Church. Why this statement written by God? Should women be in Church leadership or pastor position? As apostles why did Jesus choose twelve apostles men only? (by pastor D B) You do not have any example in the Bible have women serving( by Pastor D B) nowadays women can be leadership or pastor in Church . Why? Is this correct? Thanks



people have debated this issue for decades. First let’s be clear Paul is not speaking of leadership or pastor positions. He is speaking of the mystery of the bride of Christ...the church as His bride. In verse five he speaks of the true man Christ Jesus. This thought is bookended at fifteen. We are all “the wife” who must learn in silence with all subjection and never ursurp the authority of the man.
 To improve our understanding we must take everything Paul has said into account. Paul has before stated that we are a new creation in Christ...that it is no longer I but Christ in me...that in Christ there is neither male no female.
 Paul is not debating himself but expounding on the understanding of our relationship with our new husband and Father. Only Christ has paid our dowry with His own life so only He is worthy to speak to His church and teach them...if He is not speaking through us we should be silent.
The life of God in us, being one with us growing to maturity makes us all as Mary when she conceived a Holy child from God. This new man placed in us the savior of all men, the living word of the Father...Christ in us the hope (expectancy) of glory.
Why were the original twelve all men...utility. I have a plastic cup I take with me when I go somewhere or work in the yard. The liquid it holds is no greater than liquid from the delicate glassware I drink from at dinner; however the container can withstand greater abuse.
Should women speak in the church? No, but then again neither should men. Only Christ has paid for the privilege of being the husband of the church.
The bible is filled with women doing the work of God in both the old and new testament. As far as this whole leader thing goes Jesus warns us greatness in the reign of God comes from the Father doing His work through you not by what we ourselves do. We are called to be servants, followers, and witnesses but The Father alone is our leader. Men who seek leadership instead of fellowship should be allowed more time to mature in the Lord.
The question is if the Spirit of God lives in a woman why we would ignore Him.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Living the life of God

It has been several weeks since I last published a blog post. Any expert will tell you that there is no better way to kill a blog than to write sporadically. My answer to this belief is no amount of knowledge can be substituted for our living.
This is the heart of why I write; to encourage every man to trust, rely and expect YHWH to do what He has promised and live in us. I desire so much to share this revealed gift with others but only what YHWH has spoken can be trusted. So I try to be a vessel of His Spirit and show this promise by showing His word simply.
I love to study, analyze, and meditate on his word, but we must never let this become an end unto itself. Yeshua did not come that I would know facts and formulate systems of action. Instead He, in His own words, came that I might have life and life more abundant.
YHWH is life; His word is merely a witness of that life. If you were to memorize every word it would not make you know Him. To know Him is to be made one with Him; not to be in His being or have Him in your being but instead to become one being. In short the believers life is in the living.
I had become so focused on sharing the word that I was forgetting that I was to be a living word.
I will continue to write the discussions of scripture that so many have been gracious enough to consider. They often are like a fire in my bones. Yet I must also live beyond just research, contemplation and writing.
with all that is in me I pray that each of us grows in grace, peace, and the knowledge in Him of being one.
your friend and brother Rick.


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