Friday, May 1, 2015

Are you in the end times?

Ecclesiastes 1:9 the thing that hath been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done…

1 Corinthians 10:11 now all these things happened unto them for examples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come…

Romans 10:9-11 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

Psalm 119: 11-14 Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against Thee blessed art thou O Lord teach me Thy statutes with my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth

Deuteronomy 30: 10-16 if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law and if thou turn unto the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thine soul for this commandment which I command thee this day is not hidden from thee neither is it far off it is not in heaven that thou should say who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it neither is it beyond the sea that though should say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it but the word is very nigh unto thee in thy mouth and in thy heart that though may doest it see I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil in that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God to walk in His ways to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments that though mayest live and multiply and the Lord thy God may bless thee in the land whither  thou goest to possess it


We would be hard pressed to find any subject that peeks the interest of men more than the end times. For most this desire comes with no consideration of living for YHWH now but only if after they have spent their days seeking their own desires they will be able to escape judgment. What they do not realize is going after their lust for self-gratification and self-fulfillment and self-respect and self-help is the reason judgment is coming.

So it is in blindness that they grope to understand who is the beast, what is the mark, how long do I have. The church does little better as they have adopted the fables of men as truth and seek to fascinate and make an audience of awe instead of being about the Fathers business.

Yeshua gave a parable of a man who stored up for himself believing he had time to rest in ease but YHWH required account of his soul in the very day he believed he had provided for himself. The end of such a thing is that everyman that draws breath is now living in his last days reguardless of that set day of the Lord and He will give account of his own life in that time.

This being said YHWH has not left us ignorant of the season and signs of that day. Many a man has searched the books of Daniel and revelation to discover the details of that day but it seems we need a foundation before we can see what is said in these books.

Consider the following from scripture

1)      DAY OF THE LORD: Adam rejects YHWH’s life preferring to be his own god by his own knowledge…the result every man born of his seed was a self and separated(dead)from life(one with YHWH)…YHWH cast man out of His presence but promises He would bring a seed through the woman that would have His flesh bruised by iniquity but He would destroy the head(thinking, desire, and trust in self)of men’s iniquity

2)      DAY OF THE LORD: Men of Adam give no thought to YHWH or his promise; living for self to eat, drink, and marry they increase in self-seeking till the earth is filled with their violence…YHWH provides an arc to preserve His creation and saves Noah and the seven souls of his family

3)      DAY OF THE LORD men gather in rejection of YHWH’s command to spread throughout the earth and create a tower to show themselves able to reach Heaven by working together…YHWH spreads them to the wind by confusing their language (showing their unity is false based on the self-desire)

4)      DAY OF THE LORD Sodom and Gomorrah men throw off restraint seeking their own pleasure despite cost to another…Lot is saved

5)      DAY OF THE LORD Egypt’s power and trust in their idols, nation, army, and power of self-appointed god king destroyed…Israel is saved

6)      DAY OF THE LORD despite seeing YHWH destroy Egypt and burn Sinai and purge false brethren Israel still looks at both covenant and work of YHWH as something to be done from themselves bringing death…YHWH spare those under twenty and those that believed that He might teach them to trust in Him.

7)      DAY OF THE LORD Northern kingdom of Israel rejects that house of YHWH because of covetousness of their brethren leading them to be leavened by idolatry which is adultery to the covenant of YHWH. YHWH takes them from His land by the Assyrians…but gives a promise that they will be gathered again and take part in the established covenant.

8)      DAY OF THE LORD Judah follows into idolatry desiring what they perceive as the glory of other nations while claiming to glorify YHWH. The children gather sticks the fathers make a fire and the women cook cakes to the queen of heaven showing the idolatry has rotted through and through. The glory leaves the temple and both what had once been a holy people and those things used for the worship of YHWH become treasure for the godless…but a return to land and true covenant is promised

9)      DAY OF THE LORD Messiah is born raised and brings the gospel of the Kingdom of YHWH to the people of Israel but many in the leadership have come to honor the traditions as equal to Torah and also become willing to join themselves to the world to further their own desires and safety resulting in a conspiracy with Rome to crucify Messiah and by this same Rome the nation and temple are scattered…but Yeshua warns His Jewish followers  of how this will come about to the end that they may escape this destruction.  

10)   DAY OF THE LORD when the gospel has been preached to every nation, when Israel is once more a nation but secular with no acceptance of their messiah, when men believe they can come together as one and make a world that has no need of any god other than themselves, when men seek after their own ways with no regard for the will or word of YHWH or fellowmen . Then comes the Day of the Lord that all others have taught; when Adams lie and trust of self will be purged from His people and those who do not have His life in them will be cast out forever.

As believers we must have this purging in our soul that the fiery trial and baptism in YHWH’s fire is taking away all trust in self and men leaving us to live as one with YHWH. The world waits for a temple to be built but we know that Messiah is the temple for YHWH does not live in a building of man but in a body made by his own hand, and as we say we are in Him and the scriptures bears witness that we are lively stones in Him; so let us give all of our self to YHWH in trust that He shall purge away every piece and shadow of the flesh of Adam from His temple.


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