Thursday, January 1, 2015

Just a thank you and a thought

I would like to say thank you for reading my blog. I hope the things I've been discussing have been a blessing. I spent most of my christian life loving God and acting like a child of wrath. I was not being deceitful or a hypocrite; I prayed and studied and with everything in me, tried not to sin. I fought against my flesh tooth and nail, but it was stronger,faster, and had an unstoppable stamina.
In studying Deuteronomy I found that the idea I had accepted of the Old Testament being a works righteousness was false. It was a testament of grace that looked to the sacrifice for redemption and required faith to overcome the weakness of human frailty.
Then came the real epiphany... the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart...I was still living under Old testament system despite accepting Jesus as my Lord and savior. Like the children of Israel I said in my heart I will do all He says to do and missed the point that He was explaining what His life in me was making me into. The result of this misunderstanding had the result of looking to myself to do something with His help instead of seeing my dead man could do nothing but trust Him to be my life. I asked the Lord to please show me what I had missed. He has and still is.
So I thank him, and again I thank all of blessed...your brother Rick Rosamond.


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